So, I loved The Office last week, as usual. There were so many funny quotes that this might be a little long. Oh well, there could be worse things.
Angela: Meredith! If you don’t come to my party you will be very, very sorry.
Meredith: Is that a threat?
Angela: No. It’s an invitation.
Ryan: I miss the days when there was only one party I didn’t want to go to.
Michael: Bro’s before ho’s. Why? Because your bro’s are always there for you. They’ve got your back after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason. And you were nothing but great to your ho. And you told her that she was the only ho for you and that she was better than all the other ho’s in the world. And then…and then suddenly she’s not your ho no mo’.
Dwight: Pam and Karen! I am ordering you to cease and desist all party planning immediately.
Pam: You can’t do that.
Dwight: As ranking number 3 in this office I am ordering you to…
Andy: Ummm, I’m number 3.
Dwight: You’re number 4.
Andy: Yeah, but I’m number 3.
Dwight: Uh no. You must turn over to me all Christmas decorations and party paraphernalia immediately that will be returned to you on January 4th.
Jim: Ok, I think I can help here.
Dwight: Ok good, they…
Jim: As ranking number 2 I am starting a committee to determine the validity of the two committees and I am the sole member of the committee. We’ll act on this now.
Dwight: Ok this is stupid.
Jim: Can you please keep it down? I’m in session. [long pause] I’ve determined this committee is valid.
Dwight: No, no, no. Wait. Permission to join the Validity Committee.
Jim: [thinks about it] Permission denied.
Michael: I’d like everybody’s attention. Christmas is cancelled.
Stanley: You can’t cancel a holiday.
Michael: Give it up Stanley and you’ll lose New Year’s
Stanley: What’s that mean?
Michael: Jim, take New Year’s away from Stanley!
Dwight: He was already dead and we Schrutes use every part of the goose. The meat has a delicious, smokey, rich flavor. Plus you can use the molten goose grease and save it in the refrigerator thus saving you a trip to the store for an expensive can of goose grease.
Jim: Wow. Win-win.
Dwight: [looking at his dead goose] I accidentally ran over it, it’s a Christmas miracle!
I know I say it everytime, but wow, what a great show! Just reading these makes me laugh all over again!
Anyhoo, not a whole lot going on with me. Just getting SOOOOO excited for Christmas. I don't know if I'm abnormal, but Christmas just makes me feel like a kid again. I love that feeling. Normally, I'm stressed with all of the realities of life, and this time of year, I just let all of that go...which is sometimes not a good thing. We had our work Christmas party on Friday, and we had dinner at the Calgary Tower. That's the place Michael and I got engaged, so it holds special meaning for us. Such yummy food too. I think that's really all I did this past Heather and Gannon and the kiddies got here early early on Saturday morning. It's so fun to see them and the kids. They sure change when you dont' see them for a few months. I hate it. The same thing goes for Amy and Brad's kids. You just miss so much.
Saturday morning we had "Family home morning" with the Melchin clan. We had the breakfast we would have had on Christmas morning since it's the inlaw Christmas this year. So yummy. We also had a great lesson on reading the scriptures and SEan challenged us all to read the Book of Mormon as a family. I'm up for the challenge!Saturday night Kevin and Cyndi had their annual Christmas Open House. It was so fun, and of course we ate way too much. But it's so worth it. It's only once a year. It's always nice to see people you don't get to see all of the time too. Sunday we had our ward Christmas program. Michael and I sang in the choir. It's hard to go from singing in the Messiah with over 200 people to a choir of about 25. We seemed so quiet, but I think we did an ok job. I have to work tomorrow so that I get Friday off. That's hard when you're used to having Monday off, but I'll be happy when Friday rolls around. So those few things were pretty much the kickoff to Christmas! This week is full of fun things and then this weekend...ooohhh...I'm so excited. The only thing I'm upset about is that I haven't been taking pictures. I'll get on that!
Monday, December 18, 2006
The Office Quotes/Update
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:56 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
Christmas Recipe
I got this recipe from a girl at work. Be sure to read the entire thing. I think it's a pretty good one.
Yummy Christmas Cookie Recipe
Christmas Cookie Recipe
1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Crown Royal/Whiskey/Rum
Sample the Liquor to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Liquor
again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and
drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large
fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again. At this point it's
best to make sure the Liquor is still OK, try another cup.. just in case.
Turn off the mixer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in
the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit off floor...Mix on the
turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose
with adewscriver. Sample the Liquor to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift
two cups of salt, or something.... who giveshza sheet. Check the Liquor.
Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon
of ar, or somefink....whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake
tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the
turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the bottle of
Liquor. Make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
Cherry Mistmas
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
11:35 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Banff Springs 2006 or (BS06)
Well I know it's taken me longer to get these up than it should have. I went to do it on Tuesday, and Michael had "fixed" the computer again, and the internet didn't work. Ahh...lovely. Well it was a blast. We had the best time in Banff. It was beautiful.
We got there on Friday and got to the room and just chatted until we had to go to dinner. The food was amazing. Between us we got Beef Tenderloin, Pork Chops, Trout, and Chicken Alfredo. Yum. The highlight though was the dessert buffet. It was so good. I of course ate way too much, but all of the walking we did around the hotel took care of it I'm sure (right). We toured all over the hotel, and it was so beautiful. We looked in every room we could. We then went back to the room for some See's candies, and more talking. We wanted to get a movie, but none of us would have made it through.
We woke up the next day and were going to get breakfast brought to the room, but we decided to go the buffet instead. While getting ready we blew a fuse and had no power for a while. That's nice when 5 women are trying to get ready. So, we missed the buffet, and we just ordered breakfast instead. It again, was super tasty. We walked around a little more and then checked out and headed into the town for some shopping. We looked in the little gift shops, the gem store, the Christmas Store, and the Fudgery of course. We then stopped for Starbucks before heading home. It was so much fun. Here are the pictures, and most of them have captions for some more details.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
12:31 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
Ok, so here are a couple of goodies from last night. Jeffrey and Emily came over to watch with us, which is always fun, and we had some good laughs that's for sure!
Michael: Close your eyes. Picture a convict. What’s he wearing? Nothing special. Baseball cap on backward, baggy pants. He says something ordinary like, “Yo, that’s shizzle”. Now slowly open your eyes again. Who are you picturing? A black man? Wrong. That was a white woman. Surprised? Well shame on you.
Michael: Why did the convict have to be a black guy? It is such a stereotype. I just wish that Josh had made a more progressive choice…like a white guy...who went to prison for polluting a black guy’s lake.
Michael: [picks up a dumbbell] Why don’t we pump some iron. Anybody wanna pump up?
Jim: What is that, like, 5 pounds?
Michael: It’s two and a half. I’m not going for bulk, I’m going for tone.
Dwight wasn't around a lot, and Michael stole this show! Ahhh, so nice to have a new one istead of a rerun! Well I'm off to Banff....I'll be sure to document the trip so my blog can be filled with pictures!! Don't you worry!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
8:22 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Messiah 2006
Since I don't know if I'll ever get Michael to sing with me again, I thought I should document the event! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, every year here in Calgary, Keith Wood (who's actually my sister-in-law Emily's grandpa) forms a choir, and orchestra to perform a number of selections from Handel's Messiah. It's become quite the tradition here and I've been in it now for 4 years. I convinced Michael to join this year, which was a miracle in and of itself. Well we have about 5, 3 hour practices and then 3 performances. Last night was our last one, and by far the best one. The music is so fun to sing and I've come to LOVE it so much. It's not Christmas to me without starting with Messiah! Anyhoo, just thought I'd share the pictures. Oh, everyone wears red ties, we're not just matching for fun! It's the uniform.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
11:31 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Christmas is Coming
I'm so excited to be living in twinkle light land now. I wait all year for my house to be festive. I love the gentle glow of the tiny lights all over, and I hardly turn on the overhead lights once my house is done. One of my favorite things is to just sit on the couch with all of the little lights on. Ahhh. I'm excited! I'm finally done my decorating so I just thought I'd share what I've been up to since Monday. I can't believe it's almost a month away. I still haven't gotten to my shopping. I HATE the malls right now. They're so busy already. I'm most stumped on what the heck to get Michael. He doesn't give my much help though. Everything he wants, is way outside the budget. A little frusterating.
Not much going on with me. I have just been up to the usual. My weekends have been busy with Messiah, but since it's over after this weekend, I'll be loving my Sunday nights again. Two performances this weekend, but at least they're close to home. Last weekend we were at the opposite end of the city. Next weekend, we're headed to Banff for a girls night. I'm so excited, except it will be freezing. I hate the kind of cold where you step outside and instantly, you can't feel anything. It'll be worth it though, and you can count on the fact that the trip will be well documented with pictures! I'll be sure to post. Well I just found out there is no new Office tonight, and Michael is out with his uncles and his dad, so I just might be heading to bed early. Wow, what would that be like? Oh one more thing. Michael bought Nintendo Wii, and I have to admit, it's awesome! I've never been one for video games, but I really like this one. Maybe that's because I can actually do it. Oh, and last Thursday, Michael and I camped out all night in order to be some of the few to get Playstation 3's. Yes, we slept outside, but we did get 2. We're in the process of trying to sell them. Michael's had this idea since last year. We're hoping that the need for them as Christmas presents can help us get a little extra cash for our own Christmas presents. We'll see. If not, we'll break even and have a crazy story to tell. I'm telling ya, last Friday at work was NOT fun. After being up most of the night, the last thing I wanted to do was go to work. I'm just glad it's over!
Here are a few shots of the decorations. I call it decorating on a budget, but it's fun for me!
Our stockings are already hung! This is the wreath I made the first year we were married. I couldn't bring myself to pay the money they were asking for a made one, so I did my own for way cheaper! All it took was a gluegun. I'm going to go to the craft store and see if I can make anything else for a bargain!
Cyndi bought us this Nativity last year. I really love it! The detail on the pieces is so beautiful!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:05 PM
My House
I've been wanting to take pictures of my house forever, just to show. I could never get it clean, and be wanting to take pictures at the same time.
Before After
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:01 PM
This is the nook. I finally got some pictures in there about 3 months ago. Last Christmas, we didn't even have a table. Wow, what a difference a year can make in your life hey?
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
8:59 PM
The office quotes from last week
So in anticipation of tonight, I thought I'd let you know what I liked from last week. Since Jeni stole my favorite one (even though I'll still post it), I'll have to pick my next favorites! Wow, how much do I LOVE this show?!?!?!
Andy: I’ll be the number 2 guy here in Scranton in six weeks. How? Name repetition, personality mirroring and never breaking off a handshake. I’m always thinking one step ahead like a carpenter who makes stairs.
Andy is a great addition to the cast in my opinion!
Dwight: Why are you looking at my forehead?
Jim: I’m not.
Dwight: Meet my eye-line Jim!
This one was more funny when you could see it, but I laughed so hard that it's still funny to me just reading it!! I love how Jim tortures Dwight!
Dwight: I am fast. To give you a reference point I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose…and a panther. (This is the one Jeni posted too!)
Until tomorrow with a whole new set!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
3:05 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Winter's here!
And just like that, it's winter. I can't believe another year has come and gone already. I'm super excited for Christmas. For sitting around the tree with just the little white lights on. For drinking hot chocolate after coming in from the cold. For the smell of baked goodies. For the mystery of what could be under the tree. For the family gatherings. For the good food. For the dark nights by the warm fire. For Christmas movies that you can ONLY watch this time of year. For putting up the decorations and having your house be taken over with beauty. So many more! I'm just excited! I LOVE Christmas and all that goes along with it. I'm going to start decorating this weekend I think. I love when the trees get like this. The frost just sticks right to it. And I just liked how the berries looked with all of the snow on them. The kick off of Christmas for me is going to be my trip to Banff. I'm going there with my mom, Lara, Erin, and my Judy. It's like being in Christmas town I swear. You sleep in what feels like Hogwarts Castle, in the mountains. Ahhh, nothing is better. We went last year and I hope the tradition continues for years to come.
Well not a lot new for me. Just working hard, doing Young Women stuff ( Young Women in Excellence is tomorrow and I made all of the gifts), and getting ready for the best time of year. These are my Beehives in case you were wondering. They are so fun, and I can't believe how fast I've grown to love them. They are just so sweet. I'm losing some and there are 11 more to be gained shortly. They keep me on my toes that's for sure. Other than that, there are a lot of November birthdays in my family so that's been fun! Happy Birthday everyone! Well it's now late, I'm wiped, and so I'm off to bed!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
11:16 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Best Moment from The Office
Jim: I don’t have a ton of contact with the Scranton branch, but before I left I took a box of Dwight’s stationary. So from time to time I send Dwight faxes, from himself, from the future. [reading] “Dwight at 8 am today someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight
I laughed so hard at this one!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
8:37 AM
Monday, October 30, 2006
Happy Halloween
Well it's that time again! I love Halloween and sometimes I get sad because I'm really too old to enjoy it the way I want to! I'm at least grateful that I have some kids around me that I can watch! It's always so fun to see everyone out on Halloween trick or treating. I really do look forward to it! Well it's Monday night and I've just got home from Liv's birthday party. I'll wait for Lara to post some of the pictures before I do. It was a blast for the kids and nice to be around everyone. The weekend has been good, but very fast. Friday night Michael and I were supposed to go to a Halloween party and after the week we had, we got into bed for a little nap and slept most of the night away. Sad. It would have been fun! Then Saturday I lounged around a bit and then watched Erik so that Lara and Sean could go to a movie. He was sad most of the time, but I still love being with him. Then Michael and I went out for Sushi! Ever since we had it in Portland, I've been craving it, and we found a great place in Crowfoot and tried it out, and it was really tasty! I'm sure we'll be back there! Then we headed to watch a movie at the Palmer's. We watched the new version of When a Stranger Calls. It hit the spot for the scary movie I like to watch around this time! It was a good one. Sunday we enjoyed our extra hour and would have been to Church one time had it not been for the huge snow storm that came our way. Needless to say, the roads were a little tricky the whole way! We then stayed around our house (which is rare for a Sunday afternoon) and then went to Messiah practice. I always like those. Today has been busy with breakfast with Ashley and Amy this morning, Superstore with Erin and Mom this afternoon and then Liv's party. All in all, a good weekend, but it went way too fast! I'm not ready to head back to work now. I hate that feeling. Oh well. This week should go by fast because of all the things going on. Halloween tomorrow, mutual on Wednesday, and then a baby shower on Thursday. Busy evenings usually make the weeks go faster. Ahhhh...I can't wait for the weekend!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
8:34 PM
And another week...
Well I know I'm just about the worst blogger, but I really have been super busy. Last week I was in charge of the joint YM/YW activity. I had Michael help me, and boy did he help me! If I hadn't had him, I would have been a basketcase. We did "Survivor" (the games we did at the suprise graduation party my family threw me...for those of you who were there). It was a blast. I had fun, so I hope the kids did. We did a bunch of relays and eating contests. Anyway, it took up tons of time, and I was super tired after doing it all. I'm glad it's done, and now I can move onto Young Women in Exellence calling takes up a lot of time. Well I just wanted to explain my absence. I'm now off for the afternoon with my mom and Erin. Liv's bday party is this afternoon so we'll be heading to that! I just want to say really quick a big Happy Birthday to Catie, Madison, and Olivia! I love you all very much! Hopefully I'll write some more after the party tonight! I just liked the pic...
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
12:10 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Oh, how I love the weekends
Well it's now Monday night and I'm just about to head out to family home evening at my parents house with all the clan, Michael is having a nap after about 4 hours of sleep last night. I just looked at Jeni's baby and oh my is she beautiful! I just thought I'd update before I head back to work tomorrow. It was a nice weekend. Not a lot going on, but I like it that way. On Friday we went out to dinner with Kevin and Cyndi. We went to Chili's and it was nice to be able to sit and chat with them for a while. We then went back to their house so Michael could help Kandice with some homework, and I watched Poltergeist on T.V. I love that movie. It put me in the mood for Halloween. I love to be scared all snuggled in a blanket. It was a lot more scary to me when I was younger though. Entertaining now.
Anyhoo, Saturday I watched Hannah in the morning for Erin and Scott, and then joined my mom and sisters for lunch at Moxies. It was fun to chat with them too! I need to stop eating out I think. The rest of my day was totally spent lounging. It was very nice. I had 2 naps, and didn't get ready until 8:00. Michael and I then went to Superstore (I really hate that place, don't even get me started) and then to the Palmer's again where we watched The Lakehouse. I actually really liked it! I was suprised at how much I enjoyed it.
Sunday we went to Church and then to the Palmer's for dinner. I then went to a Stake Youth Fireside where a man in our stake spoke to the youth in our stake about morality. Some of the stats he had were quite alarming. I feel sorry for those growing up right now. They sure face a lot more than I did and I'm not too far ahead of them. Scary. We need to work extra hard to protect them that's for sure. After the fireside Michael and I watched Take the Lead. That dance movie with Antonia Banderas. It was also good. Not as good as I would have hoped, but enjoyable enough.
Today I went to the doctor and then to the mall with Erin and then over to Costco with her too. I filled our fridge and freezer so now we can eat again. That's always nice hey? Tonight after FHE we're excited to watch Hero's. Has anyone been watching that one? It's awesome too! I'm so glad that there are more than reality shows on tv now. I got so sick of those. Well I'm sure I've bored you all with my ramblings, but I thought I'd just update!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
5:21 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Last night's The Office quotes
Sorry, I just had to post these. Last night was laughing pretty hard! That was a good episode. I love Dwight!
Dwight: When I die I want to be frozen and if they have to freeze me in pieces, so be it. I will wake up stronger than ever because I will have used that time to figure out exactly why I died and what moves I could have used to defend myself better now that I know what hold he had me in.
Michael: I lost Ed Truck and…it feels like somebody took my heart and dropped it into a bucket of boiling tears. And at the same time somebody else is hitting my soul in the crotch with a frozen sledgehammer. And then a third guy walks in and starts punching me in the grief-bone. And I’m crying and nobody can hear me because I am terribly, terribly…terribly alone.
Dwight: When my mother was pregnant with me they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later they discovered that I had reabsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.
What a great show.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
8:51 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Road Trip 2006-Portland
Click on the picture to see the rest of them.
Well as most of you know, Michael, Kandice, and I went to Portland last weekend for our extended long weekend. We decided to tell Gannon that we were coming, but suprise the rest of the clan. We left here Thursday after work and drove to Spokane, where we staying in a little motel for about 3 hours before Michael woke us up again to get on the road. A few "detours" later and we were there. We had a blast suprising Heather and the kids. We got there about 1 in the afternoon and just hung around for a bit chatting and getting the tour of their apartment (which is so nice by the way). We then finally decided to get ready and go get some food. We went to this sushi place that Heather and Gannon really like. I ate way too much and loved it all. Of course we weren't that adventurous with some of the things they offer, but what we had, I loved. After that we hit Coldstone (of course) for some yummy cake batter ice cream. After stuffing ourselves further we then went back to the apartment to hang out for a bit. We were all really tired from the drive.
Saturday we got up and going and went downtown to look for some shoes for Michael. What a great place to explore. I love going places I'm unfamiliar with and just looking all over at everything. After an unsuccessful trip to Nike Town we went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). That place was amazing. We looked at a bunch of exibits. One where I put my hand on sphere that could be electrically charged. That was the strangest feeling ever. My hair didn't stand up as much as I was hoping though. Just a few whispies here and there. We also took in a show on black holes, which would have been better if I had a PhD in astronomy or something. Most of it went straight over my head. After that we went home for a few minutes and then Michael, Kandice and I ventured out to find a mall so Michael could get some shoes he's been wanting forever. I got Sees candies, which was my treat for the weekend. After the mall we went back and had an awesome turkey dinner that Heather spoiled us with. Thanks Heather! We sat around talking for a while, which I miss doing with them. We then watched a few shows and headed to bed.
Sunday we got up and went to Church and then drove out to the coast to explore futher. The drive was really pretty with tons of vegetation all around us. It was a dreary day, but so great to be there. It was amazing to see the "Goonies" rock and explore the coast a bit. I really love the ocean. It's just so majestic. It was funny to see all of the signs warning us of tsunami zones. I'll have to post a picture of one for those of you who don't know what they look like. Pretty funny. We finished at the coast and then went to Seaside to look around and ended up being too hungry to make the drive back, we stopped and got some dinner. Some really good fish and chips. It tasted great. Heather, Kandice, Madi, and I couldn't resist going into a little candy shop that boasted of 170 flavors and free samples. We ended up buying way too much, but it sure was fun.
We then started for home and drove through Astoria where "The Goonies" and "Kindergarten Cop" were filmed. I got a picture of the goonie house but it didn't turn out too well. We made the drive home and really didn't do a lot the rest of the night.
We left Monday morning and it was sad to leave them. We're excited to see them all again at Christmas time. We stopped at a waterfall just off the freeway to explore even more. It was amazing. We took a path to a bridge in between 2 waterfalls, and the view was beautiful. Kandice and I marvelled at the size of some of the leaves on the ground. We also realized that we are out of shape because walking to the top of the bridge really wore us out. There was a little cottage/restaurant/store at the base that was so cute. Michael says he wants to build a house just like it one day. I'd be all for it! The rest of the trip was long, and only 1 speeding ticket later(Michael) we were home. I'm so glad we went, we really had a blast. Thanks Heath and Gannon for letting us crash there!
Well enjoy the pics!

Posted by
Melinda Palmer
7:01 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Not much to say
Well this post doesn't have an exciting story, or picture, or even much of a point. I'm just having one of those nights where I sort of feel blah. I have a lot going on in my mind and sometimes it's over whelming. My new calling is a little nerve racking to tell you the truth. With all of the things coming up, I wonder how I will get things done. Hmmm. I guess it's like my mom always says, "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer to that would be "one bite at a time." She used to talk me through each semester of school with that. I have to do my first activity tomorrow night with my girls, and I guess I have some fun things planned, but I just don't feel like I can possibly lead them. I feel like I should be sitting with them. To tell you the truth, they make me nervous. Girls their age tend to tell you EXACTLY how they are feeling, and what they think of what you're doing. That can be frightening. There isn't as much social grace and politeness when you're doing something they think is boring. Oh well, live and learn I guess. I'm sure in a few months I'll be feeling at home with all of this. Until then, I'll have to blog about it. Other than the activity, there's not a whole lot new with us. I went grocery shopping, and Michael is studying for a test tomorrow. I'll be so glad where there's no more school. I have to pick up Mom and Dad from the airport tonight at 11:55. That's hard when I have work tomorrow. Oh well, it needs to be done, and it'll be nice to have them back home. Well until...later!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:00 PM
Saturday, September 30, 2006
New Template
So after inspiration from Lisa's sweet template I decided to try it out for myself. After quite a few hours and 2 attempts at different formats, I finally was able to do what I have wanted to do forever. Create something more original. Anyhoo, today is Saturday and Michael and I are watching Conference while we clean up and do laundry, and all that good stuff that usually gets put off until the weekend. The first session was great so far, and I enjoyed Elder Ballard's talk a lot. After receiving my new calling, I must admit I feel very overwhelmed by how I can possible compare to the previous presidency. All of us in the presidency right now are starting out in life with our families, and we don't have the baking, cooking, creativity, planning, and organizing skills that the previous presidency had. Sometimes I wonder how we'll make it so that the girls love Young Womens. Anyway, his talk reassured me that we just need to serve and follow the guidelines we have been given. I enjoyed his talk.
Well most of our families are out of town right now. The only people still around are Lara and Sean, and Kandice. It's strange to have most of the family gone. I'm going to do something with Lara and the kids while the men are at Priesthood tonight. After that we were invited to play some games with some people in the ward, so that should be fun.
Other than that, not a whole lot is new. I was feeling pretty sick last night so I laid low until about 10 when Michael took me to Peter's for some food. We then drove around for a while and talked while we ate. When we finally got home, we just talked and talked until I fell asleep. It's nights like those that I really enjoy. I like to just take pleasure in the simple things. I'm a total home body, and I love to just be in my space. It's been a year today since we got this place, and I still love it. I'm so glad that we're at this point instead of this time last year, where we were afraid we'd made the biggest mistake of our lives. We had to do a bunch of work to make our condo seem a little nicer.
This is a picture of me when I was in my last year of BYU. I got to go to Conference with my family. The April Conference of 2002, I was able to go to the last session in the Conference center and sit in about the 2nd row with my roommate Melanie. Anyway, on the cover of the Ensign for that Conference, you can see me in my pink dress. So here I am pointing to myself on the poster right outside the Conference Center. What a wonderful experience that was!
Well, I'm rambling now. I still have some more things to do before the second session starts. I am grateful for Conference and the inspiration it gives me and for the desire I have to do better after listening to our wonderful leaders.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
1:02 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Office-Quotes
Ok, so I'm glad to see there are some fellow Office watchers out there. I found a few quotes I thought I'd put up for your sheer enjoyment! I love this show
Dwight Schrute: I have been Michael's number two guy for about five years, and we make a great team. We're like one of those classic famous teams. He's like Mozart and I'm like Mozart's friend. No, I'm like Butch Cassidy and Michael is like Mozart. You try and hurt Mozart, you're gonna get a bullet in your head, courtesy of Butch Cassidy.
Michael Scott: Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. It is like this tangible thing that you can point to and say 'Hey man, I love you this many dollars worth.'
Dwight Schrute: Question, is there fire wood on the island?
Jim Halpert: I guess.
Dwight Schrute: Then I would bring an ax, no books.
Jim Halpert: It has to be a book Dwight.
Dwight Schrute: Fine, Physician's Desk Reference-
Jim Halpert: Nice, smart.
Dwight Schrute: ...hollowed out, inside-waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket and, in case I get bored, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. No, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Question, did my shoes come off in the plane crash?
Michael Scott: Yes, I've heard 'women and children first', but we do not employ children. We are not a sweatshop, thankfully. And women are equal in the workplace, by law, so if I let them out first... I have a lawsuit on my hands.
Dwight Shrute: [on the phone] Cumberland Mills? And how did you get my resume? Oh no no, I’m flattered, don't get me wrong. I’m just not sure it's my official resume, or if its just something a satisfied customer posted online. What does it say under martial arts training? Oh... okay, I’m going to have to supplement that. What’s your fax number?
[later]Dwight Shrute: So you got the fax? So why didn't you add it to the resume? What do you mean? Of course martial arts training is relevant. Uh excuse me, I know about a billion Asians who would beg to differ! Uh yeah, I get a little frustrated when I’m dealing with incompetence! Well you know what? You can go to hell too, and I’ll see you there. BURNING. FINE. Oh wait, so you'll let me know when you made a decision? [other end hangs up]
Jim Halpert: Well, I'm not asking for a raise, I'm actually asking for a pay decrease.
Dwight Shrute: Uh, that is so stupid. What if he gives it to you?
Jim Halpert: Then I win.
Jim Halpert: Today is Thursday, and Dwight thinks it's Friday, and that's what I'll be working on this afternoon.
Michael Scott: Think about this: what is the most exciting thing that can happen on TV or in movies, or in real life? Somebody has a gun. That’s why I always start with a gun, because you can’t top it. You just can’t.
Michael Scott: Funny story. The way I got into improv was- I got into improv- oh, the story about me getting into improv was that I was walking down the street and a racecar pulls up, and the guy says, 'Hey, you're funny. You're the funniest guy I've ever seen. Or my name is not Dale Earnhardt.' [laughs] And that, was an improv. [pause] Um, the real way was that I found a flyer.
Jim Halpert: What happened to you?
Michael Scott: Captain jack has a problem with authority.
Jim Halpert: Oh, right, 'cause you announced that his ship was sinking.
Michael Scott: He just totally lost it. If you ask me he caused the panic.
Michael Scott: Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that's always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you just… have to be the boss of dancing.
Pam Beesley: What do I want, what do I want... Oh! A pencil cup.
Dwight Shrute: Oh no no no no. That's my pencil cup.
Pam Beesley: I don't think so, I just bought it.
Dwight Shrute: Uh, I think so, and you're gonna hand it over to me.
Michael Scott: I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon- sue me- and since I don’t have a butler, I have to do it myself. So most nights before I go to bed I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious. It’s good for me. It’s the perfect way to start the day. Today I got up, I stepped onto the grill and it clamped down on my foot. That’s it. I don’t see what’s so hard to believe about that…
Michael Scott: Last week I would've given a kidney to anyone in this office. I would've reached right into my stomach and pulled it out for them. But now, no. I don't have the relationship with these people that I thought I did. I hope they ask, so they can hear me say, 'Uh, no, I only give my organs to my real friends. Go get yourself a monkey kidney.'
Michael Scott: I am a victim of a hate crime. I think Stanley knows what I’m talking about.
Stanley: That's not what a hate crime is.
Michael Scott: Well I hated it! A lot!
Michael Scott: Pizza. Great equalizer. Rich people love pizza, poor people love pizza, white people love pizza, black people love pizza... do black people like pizza?
Michael Scott: This is a business trip. I would have to be a raving lunatic to try to talk to Jan about what happened between us. Her words, not mine. She sent me an e-mail this morning.
Dwight Shrute: Women are like wolves. If you want a wolf, you have to trap it. You have to snare it... and then you have to tame it. Keep it happy, care for it, feed it... lovingly, like an animal deserves to be loved. And my animal deserves a lot of loving.
Michael Scott: Look, it doesn't matter what you say. It just matters that you're saying something that people care about. Yeah? Alright. Here we go. Watch this. [walks into the main office area] Attention everybody. Attention please. I have some very great news from corporate. We had a wonderful quarter and as a result all of you are getting bonuses for one thousand dollars!
Dwight Schrute: Yeah!
Michael Scott: Congratulations. [returns to conference room with Dwight] You see that? You see how they responded to me? In that moment, I had them.
Dwight Schrute: That is so great about the bonus!
Michael Scott: No no, it's not true. I was just talking. So, just go out there and say anything. They'll eat it up. They're a great audience.
Stanley: [on the phone] Go ahead. Get the wallpaper. Wallpaper the ceiling if you want.
Jim Halpert: Dwight, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Dwight Schrute: I can travel anywhere, except Cuba, and I will travel to New Zealand and walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor and I will hike Mount Doom.
Jim: Ow ow ow ow. You broke my hand.
Dwight: There is no way that hurt.J
im: Really? Because she's pretty strong Dwight.
Dwight: Little girl, come over here. Shake my hand. Come on I don't have all day... I don't feel anything. Nothing. [to Jim] You are so weak.
Dwight: The Schrutes consider children very valuable. In the olden days, the women would bear many children. So we would have enough laborers to work the fields. And if it was an especially cold winter, and there weren't enough grains for vegetables. They would get the weakest of the brood. [laughs] No, they didn't eat the children... It never came to that.
Michael Scott: Can I ask you all a question? Do you know what it’s like to be disabled?
Phyllis: I had scoliosis as a girl…
Michael Scott: Never heard of it. No, a real disability, not a woman's trouble.
Creed: When I was a teenager, I was in an iron-lung.
Michael Scott: Wha? How- how old are you? The point is: I am the only one here who has a legitimate disability. Although I am sure Stanley has had his fair share of obstacles.
Stanley: I'm not disabled and neither are you.
Well for those of you who watch the show, I hope you had a laugh, and for those of you who don't these probably sound so dumb, but I promise, they are not. I had a good laugh myself just looking them up! I've got to watch it all again.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:29 PM
Catch up
Well after my horrible posting experiences at home, I decided I would just take a few minutes out of my lunch break and fill everyone in on what's been going on with me lately, since I've been MIA. Well not a ton of interesting things have been going on. Michael and I are still in the market for a new car. He keeps bringing all of these options to the table and it makes me crazy. I've just decided to wait it out and see what happens. So, who knows what we may be driving in the next little while. I however, have 2 new obsessions. First, I am obsessed with Turbo Jam. It's an awesome workout program and it's honestly so fun. It reminds me of the aerobics class Amber, Tasha, and I would take at Ricks with Cardio. Oh, the good ol' days! I loved that class because Kristy would get right in your face and make you work harder, and this workout does the same for me. I've never really been one to LOVE working out, but I figure it's time since I had to get out my bigger pants again. Sad. Not for long though if I can help it!
My other obsession is The Office. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this show. It's hilarious and there is the best love story in it. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a new show to watch. Michael and I watched the second season last week and we laughed a lot. I know most people have their shows they are addicted to, but since Friends, I haven't really had one that I HAVE to watch, but I do now. I'm also very curious about Grey's Anatomy. I saw the recap show right before the season premiere, but that's all I've seen. I will say I was interested. Any thoughts?
Other than that, not much new. Michael and I have a few new food favs for the moment. I love salads with cilantro right in there. It's amazing, and then virgin ceasars. Mmmmm. You know the post is struggling when you're talking about the food you like at the moment, but I'm at work and don't have pictures to talk about so I'm doing my best. Well, I'm excited about Conference this weekend. It always feels like I should be in Utah since it was sort of a tradition in my family. I got to go to sessions every time while I was down at school, so it makes me feel like I should be there, but we're not going.
Oh, and the last thing. I'm totally in love with fall right now too! I know it's a favorite for a lot of you. I'm in love with the smells, the sweaters, the leaves, but NOT the getting dark earlier. I wish I could custom design a season. Well now I'm going to go and use my next 20 minutes for eating. So much better to just post at home. I would do it this week but I'm going to the cannery with Erin and Mom tonight, tomorrow I have my activity, and then on Thursday a presidency meeting and THE OFFICE, so I'll be busy enough at night!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
1:02 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Better Together
Well really quickly before I get to bed I thought I'd just update my blog really quickly. Michael and I spent the weekend at our Ward Youth Retreat in Radium. I was just called to be the Second Counsellor in the Young Women's and so we got to spend some time out there with all of the youth getting to know them a little better before I was sustained. We had a blast, and of course I had my camera, so I put together a little slideshow of all of the pics I took. Anyway, I know this is short, but I'm wiped so I'll post more tomorrow, or maybe Thursday. We have to deliver a ton of food drive bags tomorrow. We are having a city wide multi stake food drive this weekend! Anyway, check out the slideshow here.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
11:27 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Michael and Madison
This is a video I came across just now from a while ago. The quality is bad, but it's sooo cute of Madi and her Michael |
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:52 PM
Madi and the air darts
Another one with Madi and Brett and his friends. They were shooting these air darts at her and the noise she would make was so cute. I can't believe how big she is now compared to this. Cute girl! |
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:51 PM
By popular demand

Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:30 PM
Random shots

The grasshoppers there were honestly sick. If you walked out onto the grass they would come out all over the place. The whole place was being taken over.

Just another pretty flower.

On the way home we got to see this moose. It was huge and thankfully I had my camera ready to go. Those things really aren't that nice looking are they?

Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:25 PM
The moon

This was the moon when it was totally dark out. It was reflecting perfectly on the water below if you can tell. It was so cool to see it shine on the water. This picture isn't as nice at it was in real life obviously, but I did what I could.

Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:20 PM
The people
Here's Michael and Joey. He loved Joey. Sometimes we have to go into his parents house just so he can say goodnight to him. So funny!

Cruddy pic, but I have to prove I was there right?

The parents to be. Emily is getting cuter and cuter everyday. I finally got to see baby Palmer move. My bet is that we'll have a baby girl Palmer! We'll see if I'm right!

Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:12 PM