Saturday, May 06, 2006


I thought I would post the slideshow I made for my parents for Christmas so that those of you who haven't had the chance to see it can! It was really fun. I gave it to mom with a whole box of kleenex and boy did she need them! It took a lot of time, and a few tears myself, but all worth it to see their reaction to the whole thing! Love you mom and dad!


Lara said...

That is AWESOME! Kudos to you.

Sarah W. said...

Good job, Melinda. That is a priceless treasure for your parents and your family. It is great for posterity, too.

Sarah W. said...

Thanks for checking out my blog!!! Hey I was pretty excited to see that I made it on your slideshow. It was just for a second, but how many people can say they were in the Melchin slideshow.

BrittanyB said...

You are quite the technology wiz these days. Fabulous show ;)

Heather Palmer said...

So I finally get to see the finished product! Fabu job Melin! It turned out beautifully.

Heather Palmer said...

What's the dillio? No post since Saturday? you have a life or something? Well...I don' when I wake up to eat my wheaties in the morning I expect to have something to read.'ll probably be at I'll give you until the following morning...maybe over eggs if I can muster the energy.

Jeni said...

OK FIRST of all.. your parents are such cute babies... SECOND of all... you girls all look JUST like your mum! Third of all... you totally made me cry - I loved it!

Judy Taylor said...

Melinda, apparantly I'm "viewing" challenged. I'm not gettin' it!