Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We're moving!

I know it seems like I've said this a lot lately. Really, it's not anything special. We're moving back home. I'm so excited. I keep thinking about all of my things, and Claire having her own room, and having our life get back to normal. I can't wait to go back. We were going to move back into our condo, but it worked out for us to go home and rent our condo out again. We're redoing the flooring in there and it's going to look so much better. I'm excited for the renters. We were doing it for us to move in there, but we decided since it was something we wanted to do before selling it anyway, we went ahead and did it. We're hoping to head to the condo for a few days so Michael can actually get a vacation this summer. I can't believe how fast the summer has gone. It makes me sad. The only thing I look forward to is seeing Claire in fall clothes...strange. I just think she'll be so cute all bundled up. Funny how things change hey? Anyway, enjoy the plethora of pictures. There are tons. And, thanks to Heather for helping me learn how to photoshop, even though I REALLY have NO idea what I'm doing. I need further instruction!


Judy said...

You did not disappoint! You have inspired me to post some photos. I have a couple of cute ones of Claire, too.

Amber said...

I love all of your pictures they are so cute and Claire is getting so BIG! doesn't it make you sad. Glad you guys get to move home! Hope everything else is going great!!

KandyJill said...

home as in the citadel house right? exciting!!!!!

BrittanyB said...

love love love all the pictures of Clair. And you are right her lips are fabulous, she has got that pout down already! Where do you find all those super long cute shirts?

Jeni said...

I love all the pictures and updates. I wish you would do it more, I miss my Melin!!
As for being excited about dressing her in fall clothes, I get SUPER excited still with natalie and again with stephen, it is a momma thing I think!

Alysha Sladek said...

i love how when you update, you really update ;) claire is adorable and i love her lips. she's growing up so fast. i love all your pics. i love the ones of you girls matching - that's just too cute.

Rachael said...

Hi Melinda, This is Rachael, your cousin Paul's wife. I hope you don't mind that I looked at your blog. I saw your address on your cousin Jen's blog and just had to see this adorable baby your mother told me about. She is beautiful, and you look amazing too. Hope to see you soon! Here is our blog address if your curious about us too!