So, I know it's been forever since I've blogged. I've had no internet at home. Shocking...I know. Nothing super new. We still don't know anything more about Europe. I'm starting to doubt that we're really going. We're still at my parent's house, but that might be changing soon...I'll keep you posted. We've just been enjoying the summer. So far, we've been to the condo, I've been to Kalispell, and we've had a Palmer reunion. It's been so nice to have good weather. Coming up, we've got my family coming, and I'm sure more trips to the condo...hopefully. Claire is growing like crazy and making me so sad. I wish I could just bottle her up and make her stay this way forever. I miss my tiny baby already. She's getting so strong, and LOVES to stand. She's always trying to stand and when she's sitting, she pushed her self up to stand. So cute. She's also moved out of the bassinet, and into a playpen. That was a sad day to me. I don't want time to go this fast. She's going to be 5 months old next weekend. Ahhh. I don't like it. Anyway, here's a ton of photos of her. I know that's what you all really care about anyway!!!
I snapped this one today. They were both so tired. I just love these people.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
So tired
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:20 PM
Daddy Daughter
Here's some pictures of Michael and Claire in Banff last weekend. It was so beautiful out there. We went for the Palmer reunion. When we put her feet in the pool at the condo, she cried so hard, but here (with WAY colder water) she didn't make a sound. Nice of us to try again after she cried the first time hey?
They are so cute. We love her hat!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:19 PM
The bunny and her bunny
I got this bunny for her a while ago, and she just LOVES it. She holds onto it all of the time, and sucks on it whenever she can.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:17 PM
I just have to say I LOVE this towel. Heather, that's a hint for you! I need you to show me how you made it!She just LOVES her baths. I can't believe how much she loves them. She's so cute in there all fat and rolly.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:15 PM
First time to the Condo
For her first time there, she LOVED it! Well, sort of. I don't think she realized she was anywhere different. We kept the babies all cute in the shade, so she really didn't do anything. We dipped her in the pool, and she hated it, but the hot tub, she LOVED that! Jeffrey got the cutest picture of it.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:11 PM
Finally some new pictures
She's recently started to get curious about food. EVERYTHING goes to the mouth.
This is 4 months old.
This is an outfit that Nana got her. I just LOVE this bandana. Jaclyn has the same outfit and we need to get a picture of them together. Claire is almost out of the outfit already.
This is especially for you Kandice, even though you'll be home so fast.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
9:08 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So I know I'm the worst blogger EVER. I have TONS of pictures of Claire that I need to post. I just don't have internet right now and every time we leave to use the internet, I don't bring the pictures with me (sorry Kandice!). I'm really bad, but I want to do better so bear with me. Claire is now 4 1/2 months old, and so wonderful. She's so chubby and it's adorable. Anyway, I'm stealing this tag because it's just so fun. So do this one for me and then for yourselves!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew/know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
7:39 PM