First, and foremost, let me say sorry for not doing better on my posting. I guess I just felt like there wasn't a whole lot new to talk about. But, after taking new pictures of me, and looking at the old ones, I realized that YES, there is a difference now! So after many scolding comments and threats about not posting, I finally did it!
I'm now 18 weeks along, and 1 week today from my ultrasound! I'm super excited, although very nervous about the whole drinking a lot and then sitting there and waiting for someone to press on your bladder. I'll be ok though, I know I will! Michael and I have both decided that we want to find out what we're having for sure! Now, the baby just has to cooperate and let us get a look. We want to know because we have to plan...or I guess I have to plan for the baby! Getting all of the things set in order before it's arrival. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time a few weeks ago, and I have to admit, that's one of the coolest things I've ever heard. That made it all real. Michael was pretty amazed too, and just kept saying "WOW". It was pretty cute.
Other than baby, we've moved into our house practically all of the way. We have a little bit of stuff still at the condo, but since the room it's supposed to go in is full of random boxes, we'll have to wait a little while before we can get everything out of it. The condo is still not sold (another huge story by itself) so we're going to rent it out for a few months until we can get it sold.
Our new house is really coming along. We've had some guys in doing the renovations in the basement kitchen, and putting in the washer/dryer upstairs, so that's coming closer to an end too. We'll all be so happy when that's all finished. I'm trying to get to fully decorating too, and it looks A LOT better than it did, but I'm still not close enough to putting pictures up. Soon though, very soon!
Oh, and I forgot to mention. I'm back at work again, and I'm right back where I left from. I'm back working for Sean again. The girl who replaced me left right before I was supposed to start a new job, so I turned down the other job, and went back there. It's been nice. No new training, or people to get used to. And, they for sure won't fire me before I get my maternity stuff done, so I'm guaranteed to get those benefits. It's been hard to be back only because I'm so tired. I'm going to be a lot earlier now, and still I'm tired, and I'm sure it's only bound to get worse. Oh well, it'll all be worth it in the end! I'll be sure to post again after the ultrasound. Any guesses??

I LOVE THE BELLY! And...I love you. I guess girl...just because I want Madi to have a buddy...and she says girl so I can't argue with that.
You are looking so super cute! And I can just picture Michael's "WOW" at the dr. I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of months!
Love you!
So cute, Melinda. You are practically glowing. I hope you are taking advantage of the cute clothes that Kerri found for you. I need her to do my shopping next time around. I totally remember the tiredness I felt when I was still working and pregnant. I would get so excited to go to bed at 7pm!!! It was good to hear from you. Keep us posted when you find out what you are having.
Melin!! I'm so excited for you guys! :D You better call me RIGHT when you find out what the baby is! No waiting till the next day... I better know the same day the fam does! Lol. But I'm guessing a girl too -- boy would be fun too though! Oooh so exciting. POST MORE!!! I love checking up on you girls and seeing how the pregnancy is comin along. Sure love and miss you!
Are pigs flying???? I thought I would never see another post. You look really cute! I'm guessing it's a girl. The calendar is never wrong, but I guess we'll have to wait and see! Hang in there with will go by fast.
What cute look absolutely amazing and I am so excited for you guys!! I am excited for you to find out, that is a great day!!
I am guessing a boy!! Or you can have a girl and she can marry one of my boys. You look so cute. You are brave, I won't take the prego pictures probably because I am allready huge! This third pregnancy is really doing wonders on my body!
Melin, you look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! I love your outfit there too! You relaly look amazing! I wish i could have seen you there :(
Thank you thank you thank you for updateing. LOOK at everyone who checks it out ALL the time - you are way more full of new stuff than you say you are!
Have they made hte kitchen downstairs yet? i want to see pics of your house!
OK and my guess is..... GIRL obviously! it is in your genes!
You look so cute Melin!
you look AWESOME! wow, 18 weeks has gone by fast (for me ;p) the ultrasound is one of my favorite things. that really makes the whole pregnancy real. can't wait to see pics of the house. and of the ultrasound! my guess... girl!thanks for the update!
How exciting! Nothing better than watching your tummy grow, I loved it! So happy for you guys. Hope everything keeps going well.
You're gonna win on the number of comments...I guess that's what it takes...just don't blog forever and then people will comment!
YOu look SOOOO cute Melin...I'm so excited for you guys! The first heart beat is so much fun! I hope you're feeling good and not crummy like I do the whole 9 months!
Wow, that was my first reaction as I clicked on you blog expecting to see the same old! But you look amazing I'm so excited for you, cant wait to find out what it is!
Finally! I was thinking we should have some gender news soon. Can't wait ;)
oohhhh melin... love the new post, and pix. Glad that all is going well. You look great, can't wait to find out what you are having!
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