This post isn't all that fun. I have no pictures of anything, but I just wanted to document our lives for the past little while. This past weekend, we got out of town for a few Edmonton. Not the most exciting of destinations, but it was nice to get out of the normal routine for a little while. We went for Brett's basketball tournament...which they won. It was really fun to watch the games, and Claire LOVED it too. She would dance when they would play music, clap anytime someone else did. Which meant, she would cheer for the other team too, we need to work on that. She walked all around the floor during half time, and LOVED it. She also charmed all of the fans around her. It was really so cute to watch. She loves people! We've had a pretty slow week since we've been home. We fed the missionaries for the first time on Tuesday. That's sad to say it's our first time, but at least we did it this time right? Claire's sleep is brutal, and the night before last (17th), she was up at least once every single hour of the whole stinkin' night. It was tough for me. It's especially hard since Michael's at work, and I do it all alone. The next morning though, we found the culprits. She got her 2 front teeth. We were hoping that they would finally arrive since they've been on the verge forever. So I was thinking that last night's sleep would be awesome since the teeth were here. But, alas, I was up every hour until 3:30 when I realized why. Claire got the stomach flu. AWESOME!! I called Michael to get him home, and got her and my bedding squared away. It was nice he could just come home to us. He let me sleep in this morning, and right now Claire is still asleep in her swing. Going on 3 hours. Poor girl. She was brave, and somehow that makes it harder to watch because she's just looking at you confused, but not sad. So, we're PRAYING that we don't get it too! I'm just hoping that tonight, I will actually get a few consecutive hours of least 2 would be nice!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Michael and Claire
It's no secret that Michael and Claire are bonded. Anyone who is around them, knows just how much this little girl loves her daddy. I guess a few days ago, Michael was at his parents house, and she decided to start showing everyone, and luckily Heather was there to capture it! I am so grateful! I am so in love with these pictures. It's so nice to have others be able to see a little of what I see every day. Heather posted these pictures on a site she uses all of the time, and one of the comments someone left, almost had me in tears. They were just talking about how emotional everyone will be when we see these pictures on her wedding day! (If Michael actually lets any man marry her!!)
One of the biggest things Claire does right now is give kisses. She will pucker her little lips, and give kisses to everyone on demand. It's so adorable! Usually when she kisses someone, she has to kiss everyone around her. When it's just us 3 at home, Michael and I usually get 2 or 3 kisses at a time. She goes back and forth between us, and if I'm out of the room when she kisses Michael, then have to come find me so she can kiss me too!! It's heartbreaking! How did we ever live without her?This is the pucker face. How could you ever turn a kiss down when this face is coming at you?
That is love! And I could never want anything more in the world than that right there!
Thanks again always!!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:19 AM