Well I don't have any pictures to add to this post, but since I always enjoy a new post from others even if it doesn't have pictures, I thought I'd take a chance and do it anyway. Well there certainly have been a lot of things going on with us lately. First, my birthday was last Monday, and I'm now 26...wow...I still feel 16. I had my gestational diabetes screening, and I failed it, so on my birthday I had the glucose tolerance test, and I'm still waiting to find out the results on that one. I'm guessing I don't have it, since I know the doctor has seen the results, and I haven't gotten a phone call, but I do have an appointment on Tuesday, so maybe she's waiting to tell me there. Who knows...but until then, I will continue to eat my dairy queen ice cream cake leftovers without guilt! I am now 31 weeks along, and I can't imagine her getting any bigger in there, but from what I'm told, she will. I'm a little nervous actually. Last night it felt like she was trying to break her way out of my stomach. Not so fun, but I still love her.
I finally went on Mat leave!!! YAY! I know it seems a little early, but I met the requirements to get it, and with all of the other stuff (I'll get to in a second), I felt like I had so much to do and so little time! So last Tuesday was my official last day of work, and so far it's been so great! I've spent time with my mom and sisters and the kids the last few days, and that's always so fun! I've slept in, and that's been wonderful. Especially when Michael gets into bed at 7:30am, and I used to get out at 8:00...it stunk. Now I get to stay a little longer, and I haven't let myself sleep as late as he does, even though I've been tempted. He works so hard for us, and I'm so grateful for the sacrifices he's making working nights to provide for our growing little family.
And now for the big news! We're moving in with my parents on February 15th!!! Can you believe it? We're moving in with them because we're leaving the country entirely a few months after that, and we found GREAT renters who wanted our place, and we couldn't let them get away. So now about leaving the country. Michael's new job is taking us over to Europe for 6 months in order for Michael and his co-workers to finish up some training. The destination is not entirely set in stone. It's been a few places so far, but we're pretty confident in saying that we at least be spending some time in an Italian town in Switzerland called Campione d'Italia. It's a very small little town right on Lake Lugano, and from what I can figure out, it's about half way between Lake Como and Milan. We've seen some pictures, and it's honestly breathtaking. We can't believe that we'll get to go there! We may stay there the whole time, or we may end up going to another destination somewhere over there, but the idea is, we'll be gone for 6 months. We'll leave sometime after the baby is born (Michael might have to go a little early without me). But for now, we're moving into my parents basement for a few months before we go. I really didn't want to have to move out entirely, just to move back in, so we're leaving our place furnished, and taking our personal stuff, and bunking in the basement. I was planning on moving in anyway when the baby was born, so it's all good with me!
A lot of people have asked if we're really ok about this, and our answer is that if we weren't having a baby right at the same time, we'd be thrilled! The only downside is that this all needs to happen in the spring, and there are so many unknowns with the baby coming. At first they were thinking they wanted to go BEFORE the baby was born and I would have her over there, so now, with this new plan, I'm much more relieved! Anyway, just so you know, as with any plan, things don't always go the way you hope. We are about 99% sure that we're going, but we just don't know the dates. So don't be surprised if something in my explanation has to change! I'll keep you updated that's for sure!
Here's a picture off of the internet of where we'll be living. The town on the right is Campione, and the place across the lake is Lugano! Beautiful hey!??
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Some new developments!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
11:12 AM
Monday, January 07, 2008
Well since it's over, I'll just give you the brief version. This year, my entire family was here for Christmas. Something that hasn't happened for 4 years. It was so fun to have everyone all together. We all got matching pajamas (for pictures see Scott's blog). I was sick most of the time, which stunk. So for the first time since we've been married, we slept at our own house on Christmas eve. It wasn't so fun, but I needed the sleep. Us Melchin girls and our dad also have a tradition of going shopping for mom on Christmas eve, and this year we had all of us there, so I documented with a a picture. Anyway, it's now late, and I'm tired. Christmas really was wonderful. I miss everyone already. Next year, we'll have our own little one to buy for and I can't wait for that! Here are some of the pictures we got. We didn't really take any and I always regret that when I do that. Oh well...next year.
This is puffy me and my beautiful sister's shopping with our dad on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:50 PM
More BS'07 pics
Some of the beautiful scenery. The giant herd of elk. There were way more than this too.
The end of the ride and everyone is freezing.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:45 PM
BS'07 Pics
I did all of the writing backwards, so read the post below and here are the pictures.
This is us right before stopping at Starbucks and heading out to Banff! Erin and Judy on the sleigh ride. We actually go them to come out from their little blanket tent for the picture.
Mom all bundled up.
And puffy me!
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:39 PM
Another new year!
I seem to be really bad at this whole blogging thing. We've been so busy doing so many things, that by the time I get home, I go right to bed and ignore the computer. But I'm starting to get into trouble again, so here I sit at 10:16, instead of being in my bed. Oh the sacrifices I make.
Well the first big highlight that I missed posting on, was BS'07 (Banff Springs 2007) for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about. Mom, Lara, Judy, Erin, and I went out there for the night, and it was as fun as ever. Except this time, since I'm getting huger by the day, I didn't feel like taking as many pictures. But we did new things there like ate at a new restaurant in the hotel. The Italian one, and I don't remember what it was called, but it was good! Then we had room service bring us our breakfast, and we skipped a lot of the shopping and went for the sleigh ride instead. It was freezing, even for me, who's never cold these days. It was also very beautiful. There was a huge herd of elk, just sitting in the wilderness as we drove by, and they were not afraid of us at all. There were so many. Way more than I've ever seen at one time. It's always nice to get away for this trip, but I have to admit, it was hard to leave Michael when that's 1 of 2 nights a week we get to actually sleep at the same time, but it was worth it!
Judy reading us the breakfast menu (we hadn't had dinner yet, but we were planning ahead) Right before going out to dinner.
The beautiful tree outside of the hotel. We were there too early last year to see it lit.
The beginning of the sleigh ride.
Posted by
Melinda Palmer
10:15 PM