Saturday, May 08, 2010

The boy is here! Early!

Warren Michael Palmer joined us last Wednesday (2.5 weeks early) weighing 7lb14oz, and 20.75 inches long. I woke up at 4am to my water breaking in bed. Lovely. I saw a group of midwives for this pregnancy, so right away I paged them. I wasn't having any contractions so she told me to go back to bed and when the contractions started, I should page again. Well since he was early, I had NOTHING prepared, AGAIN!! So instead, I got up to pack a bag, Michael and I both showered, and in doing all of this, I started to get some minor contractions. So we called my mother in law to come over and be with Claire and we got in the car and headed to the hospital. We got there about 7am, and he was born at 11:03am. I did pretty well until the hour before he was born. That was pretty rough. Then I only pushed for 8 minutes (it felt like an hour) and he was here! We are happy to have him with us, and I can't believe how easy he is compared to Claire! My parents are in Europe and Michael's parents went to Hawaii a few days after he was born. It's been Michael and me dealing with the 2 for the most part (except for help from wonderful sisters where they can!). Michael has to head back to work next week and my parents aren't back until the 13th, so we might move in with Lara for a few days so I don't have a nervous break down on my own. Here are some of the pictures that Heather has taken for us. It's so nice to have a photographer in the family!!

For ALL of the pictures, go to here


Alysha Sladek said...

He's beautiful! congrats! Sounds like everything went well (and quick!). The pics are beautiful (good work Heather!)

BrittanyB said...

great picture, and congrats melin! He's a doll. Good luck the next few weeks ;)

Laura Taylor said...

Congrats Melinda! I love those photos! He's adorable :)

jayme said...

Congrats!! He is so cute, I love the pictures! Glad to hear everything went well :)

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

Congrats!! He is so cute. I love the pictures Heather took!!

Ryan + Jess said...

Wow. wow. wow. Can we come see him? He looks like a little bundle of joy :) congratulations you guys!

Sara said...

The pictures are sweet!! Love you! He is such a cutie and I LOVEEEEE his name.

Jeni said...

ohh melin, i love you so much. he is adorable and claire is such a sweet big sissy!

Emily said...

he is beautiful! i just love him! heather did a great job! i'm praying for you...since i'm a useless bum downstairs with jaclyn. as soon as she's well, you can bet that claire is welcome to become a semi-permanent fixture down here so you can get rest and take care of warren while michael's at work!!

Emily said... last comment made it sound like heather was to thank for warren. haha. obviously, she did a great job on the pics, but YOU and michael did a great job on creating such a little stud and YOU did a fabulous job on bringing him into this world!!! :)

Stephanie Salmon said...

Oh my gosh, congratulations! Our babies were almost the exact same size. Mine just decided to stay in me for 3 weeks longer than yours! And my labor was more than 3 times as long. :) But she's here and that's all that matters. Congrats on your little guy. He totally looks like he's related to Claire. How cute.

KandyJill said...

He is so cute! I love him so much already and I haven't even met him yet!

Calloways said...

Love, love, love the pics. Great photographer but an exceptionally cute baby definately makes them that much better! Congrats both of you! Hopefully I will get to meet both of your cute kids sometime!

Brooke said...

He's a serious hunk! Congratulations, he's just perfect!

Tara said...

Wow, where have I been? CONGRATS guys! He is so dang cute! Heather...oh man. She's fabulous isn't she?