Sunday, May 21, 2006

Could I be anymore tired? (said like Chandler)

Well I'm sure some of you thought that I had fallen off the face of the earth. I'm here at Lara and Sean's house while they're in Hawaii, and Michael and I are here with the girls. First and foremost...GOOD JOB all of you mothers out there. This is tough. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into. It's hard to go from total freedom, to bondage...ok, not bondage, but the girls are certainly keeping me on my toes. So Michael and I, in our defense, have figured out that we are going to run the girls hard all day, so they crash at night. So far, so good! The first night we played on the tramp with the sprinklers, the second night, we got a babysitter and went out for our belated anniversary. We saw the Da Vinci Code too!! I agree with Britt, the movie is better, but the for the time restraints, they did very well. It was great! Then we went to dinner at Outback, where they took my favorite item off the menu...I was not impressed. Good thing I had had movie popcorn, and cotton candy!! Then Saturday, we went to the zoo. We had a great time! I'll post some video later. Then we met up with Erin and Scott and the kids at the mall for dinner. I have to say, great idea! They cook, and clean for you! All you have to do is throw it away! GENIUS! Then, since they were wiped, bedtime was not bad. Today, we took the girls to our ward, and I'm pleased to say, we were ontime. Liv slept through most of our class, and then woke up to pass aroung the rice krispie treats Sommer and I made for them. This afternoon, we spent most of it outside. We took a little bike ride, where Liv insisted she run most of the way. We didn't argue! The more energy she uses, the better. We then hung around outside for a while and watched Michael try to get the RC truck going. We went in for snacks, and the girls were both asleep by 9:00. Not too bad at all. So Michael and I are going to watch a movie without being crawled on by little people, or asked for treats, or running anyone to the potty! YEAH!!!! Hopefully there will be a few more quiet moments like this one before Lara and Sean are home! All I have to say is that it's good kiddies come one at a time, and small!


Heather Palmer said...

Wow you guys are powerhouses! I'm very impressed by the early bedtimes! You need to come to my house and teach me that trick. I'm sure the go go go all day certainly aids it! So what did they take off the menu at the Outback? That yummy chicken?!?! Don't you hate that? Earls had better be the same whe I get back. They have a tendancy to do that..and it's my hugest pet peave. Anyhoo...I've missed your posts but it sounds like you are having fun with the girls. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Jeni said...

I so know what you mean with the menu's I HATE THAT!! and 9 - holy cow, we have been getting these kids to bed by 7 .. 730 at the latest.. AND getting them super tired is the way to go!! haha sounds like yours are on a little better behaviour than ours though!

BrittanyB said...

I think you just become immune to the chaos very slowley, and bit by bit as teh kids come. All at once is a lot to handle!

nena said...

melinda, this is Nena Scott, i know that we never talked much, really we never were in the same place at the same time I guess, but I enjoy reading your blog I hope you don't mind? It's kinda funny I feel like I know you really well! fell free to check on mine if you want, oh and what did they take off the menu, I love the outback!

Melinda Palmer said...

Just so all of you know, they took the grillers off of the menu. I loved those!! At least I won't need to go there anymore.